Saturday, August 29, 2009

Girls Night Out, and Kellen too!

Kellen and I took off to Portland for some much needed girl time with my favorite gal Maris! We came equipped with chocolate chip cookies, sorbet and Mary provided some excellent wine for the occasion! Kellen had some milk, provided by me! It was great to hang out and catch up with Mary! She is just such a little jet-setter that it is hard to pin her down! She starts back to school soon (she is an elementary school teacher) so we were able to squeeze our "Amy and Mary time in" just before she started working again! Mary and I met our first day at the University of Portland and have been attached ever since. We studied abroad in Austria together, were roomies our Junior year and housemates our senior year. We ventured to Ireland for 4 months together and set her brother up with my sister (who are now married with 3 kids..) so we are sistas for life! Love you Mary Mary Dinosaur!


Unknown said...

Aw, Stuyvie, I love being included on your blog! That was a great night! Definitely need to plan more of those - pronto!