Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day 2010!

Thanksgiving! Yes, It is April but must catch up on my blog so that my memories will not be lost forever. Thanksgiving was wonderous! The Pattersons were in town so the entire family was here. No one was pregnant so the drinks were abundant. Everyone is happy and healthy and in jobs and thriving, so no complaints from the Stuyvesants this year. The kiddos all had fun terrorizing mom and dad's place.

Prior to the holidays, Kellen had his scheduled VCUG at Doernbecher Children's. It went well except for him coming out of the verseed, that part I could live a lifetime without having to deal with that again. I have never seen a 17month old so angry and full of you know what and vinigar in all my life! Not to mention the fact that he threw up all over the Urologist's nice suit and shoes....Anyhow, the best news was that is reflux was all resolved and now just one more ultrasound to go in 6 months and we can close this chapter once and for all. However, we didn't get out scott free.... He has an inguinal hernia needed surgical repair, to be done before the holidays.... Harumpf!!!!!!!!!!