Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The McDonalds come to visit!

Our dear friends the McDonalds came out to Sherwood for dinner and to visit with us and meet Kellen! Tasha and I went to UP together and both studied abroad in Salzburg. Jason is her awesome husband and they have two beautiful children Ava and Isabel (Jason will have his hands full when they are teens..). Both the girls loved holding Kellen! I think he will really love these pictures when he is older.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

First Bottle!

Kellen took his first bottle beautifully! What a champ, no nipple confusion here. The above picture cracks me up because the bottle looks enormous next to him! You never know how much milk a breastfed baby is actually taking during a feeding, but Kellen took down 4 ounces with no problems with his first bottle! He must have a hollow leg!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dance Party!!!!

Sarah and the kiddos came over for dessert the other night while our husbands gambled away our money on a poker game... As we were ooodeling and doting all over Kellen, we noticed the Connor and Rachel were missing from the main room. We followed the sound of Laurie Berkner blasting from Connor's new room. Sure enough we found the two having a wild dance party! It was hilarious. Connor just learned how to turn on his CD player, so his new favorite past time is to turn on his music and dance! So there were the two of them prancing about his room happy as can be!! Can't wait to show them these pictures when they are older...

And not to be outdone....Jeannie and the kids came down midweek and Ellie became the Dancing Queen!!! Note Connor in Murphy's dog bed in the background. He often kicks Murphy out so he can sit there...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Piacitelli's Come to Visit!

Our friends from up north (Seattle area) the Piacitellis came to visit and meet our new man Kellen! Their son Sam is a few months older than Connor and while they are still working out the kinks in their friendship we know that down the road they will be great friends. Steve and Don are best friends from college. Dawn is expecting their second baby - a little girl - in November. We are so excited for them. In a few years I see Sam, Connor and Kellen running around and little girl Piac having no problems keeping up with them!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bean and Sprout Photography!

Okay, is the above picture not amazing! It is compliments of my friend Kati Radziwon of Bean and Sprout Photography. She is extremely talented and came to our home to capture Kellen and all his newborness at just 5 days old! She is wonderful and I highly recommend her!

Below are some more of our favorites!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First Bath!

Oh, the joys of that first bath at home! So traumatic, and for Kellen too! I must admit I am not a fan of the newborn bath. I get so nervous that they are going to roll off the little bath thingy, or I will get too much water in their umbilical area, or soap in their eyes, etc. Not to mention that Kellen was screaming in decibals of I never new existed... But the speedy RN in me took over and the bath took all of 2 seconds (I am an swift bed bath giverer) and our boy was wrapped up in his warm bath towel and back in mommy's arms in no time at all.

Ahhh, home at last!

I have countless pictures of this same nature, but take out Kellen and put in Connor. Our first week home with Connor was spent blissfully taking turns napping with our sweet boy on the couch. Now, it was January, and he was our only child. Fast forward 18 months and we have Kellen, but also it is summer and big brother Connor wants to play, outside! So we had to steal our time napping with Kellen. It is complete heaven to hold your sleeping baby! We are enjoying every second of our first week home together as a family of 4! Don is off for the week and we are keeping busy in the morning with Connor. We have taken small walks to the local coffee shop, gone to feed the ducks, even went to the splash park in West Linn. But the afternoons while Connor naps for 3+ hours, Don, Kellen and I relax on the couch taking turns holding him and napping ourselves. We love our little family of 4. Opps, 5, sorry Murphy...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

All our Visiters!

Mass Chaos!

Stacy our nanny and friend comes for a visit!

Uncle Mike - the first of the siblings to meet Kellen!

Erika - Mike's better half!!!

Uncle Tom!!

Aunt Sarah!

Cousin Rachel Mae is far more interested in Kellen's car seat..

Honorable Auntie Maris!

Maimo Corcoran

Nonnie and Pompa Stuyvesant with Connor and Kellen!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Connor is a big brother!

We welcomed little Kellen Patrick Corcoran into our lives on July 11th! My water broke at 0200 and off to the hospital we went. Dad stayed with the sleeping and totally unsuspecting Connor while my mom, Don and I drove to Good Sam. It wasn't long after I was admitted that I was asking for my epidural and then soon after that the little man made his made into the world. It was amazing, completely different than Connor's birth, but a miracle just the same. I love that my two boys have totally different birth stories. One day I will tell them - but will spare them some details! The day was completely peaceful. We gave birth at 0938, and then spent the rest of the day resting and introducing our son to our family and friends. Connor wasn't really aware that the baby was ours to take home.... That shock came two days later... We had amazing nurses at Good Sam the whole stay was so pleasant. The wonderful thing about Good Sam is all the yummy restaurants down the street. We ate very well. Okay, so since I am so behind in the blog ( a newborn will do that to you...) I am posting pictures galore and little stories when I remember them!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July part 2

Every year in my sister's neighborhood in Tualatin, there is a neighborhood 4th of July parade for all the kids. You decorate your bike, wagon, scooter etc and off you march! The parade route happens to go right by my sister's house to it is just perfect. Usually we go and watch my nephew's Tommy and Joey as well as our other friends children, but this year Connor and little Rachel were old enough to join in the fun. We decorated our radio flyer wagon, sunscreened up the kiddos, handed them their snack traps and water cups and off they went with Don as their escort! They had a blast! Check out the slide show on the right for more 4th pics!

After the parade we stayed at my sister's to barbeque and later enjoy Matt Mattechecks curbside fireworks extravaganza!!!!!! Aside from being extremely hot, it was the perftect 4th of July!

Rachel and Connor enjoying some chips, salsa and watermellon after a jaunt in the sprinklers to cool down after the parade!
The Mattecheck curbside fireworks extravaganza in full swing. Note the tired little boy resting on mom's shoulder. Too say he was wiped out would have been an understatement!

4th of July part 1

On the morning of the 4th of July, Don went out golfing with his buddies and so Connor and I packed up and headed into the Pearl District to meet my friend Onchi (Allison - I guess who is now not really Onchi but Reid, but will always be Onchi in my book). Allison and her new hubby Eric live in the Pearl so we parked by her condo and walked to Sip and Kranz to get some breakfast and then walked out to Jamison Square fountain to let Connor have at it! He had a great time! This fountain is a lot more aggressive then the splash and spray parks out in the 'burbs! He was taken off guard at first but was able to hold his own pretty darn well. We didn't stay long because the water was deeper (and I am way to prego to be chasing him in the water) and it was pretty crowded. Plus we had his big parade debut that he needed his beauty rest for! It was great to see Allison as her and her hubby are heading off to France and Italy for their honeymoon! Bon Voyage Reids!!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Tanner Creek Again!

We really love this park! We came here today with my sister Sarah, her little Rachel and our other friend Amanda and her little guy Henry. We had so much fun. It was a little chilly at first but the kiddos didn't seem to mind. They loved the fountains!!! Henry and Rachel mastered drinking out of the fountains while Connor managed to get his snack trap filled with water. Did't keep him from eating the soggy snacks though...