Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dance Party!!!!

Sarah and the kiddos came over for dessert the other night while our husbands gambled away our money on a poker game... As we were ooodeling and doting all over Kellen, we noticed the Connor and Rachel were missing from the main room. We followed the sound of Laurie Berkner blasting from Connor's new room. Sure enough we found the two having a wild dance party! It was hilarious. Connor just learned how to turn on his CD player, so his new favorite past time is to turn on his music and dance! So there were the two of them prancing about his room happy as can be!! Can't wait to show them these pictures when they are older...

And not to be outdone....Jeannie and the kids came down midweek and Ellie became the Dancing Queen!!! Note Connor in Murphy's dog bed in the background. He often kicks Murphy out so he can sit there...