We took a day trip to the Oregon coast today with the boys! It was awesome. We left the house super early so we could make it to Pig n' Pancake in Cannon by breakfast! (Connor and I are pancake fans these days...) We were really glad we left so early as the parking filled up as we were unloading the boys. After a hearty breakfast (Connor ate all 5 pancakes on his kiddie menu!!), we headed down to the water. I sat on the beach feeding Kellen while Don took Connor down to the water. Connor loves the water, but I thought for sure that the coldness of the Pacific would scare him off. But as I was getting settled I looked up to see my 18 month old up to his waist in the ocean and my husband running after him to keep up! I couldn't believe it. This kid is fearless when it comes to water! For those of you who haven't had the awesome opportunity to enjoy the Oregon coast, the water is extremely cold!!!! I mean dip your toes in and get an instant headache cold! After they were done playing in the water, they come up to the sand and Connor plopped down in the sand to play with his sand bucket before we had the chance to dry him off. As you can imagine - sand was EVERYWHERE on his body! He was so happy he could have cared less!! He was one happy beach goer. I can't wait until next summer as we will have both boys running around the beach!
6 years ago
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