Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Connor is Three, How can that BE???

Dear little Connor,

January 19 2008 was a miraculous day. I will never forget the moment my water broke and I knew I would be meeting you soon! I was so excited, little did I know that I wouldn't actually be meeting you for another 17.5 hours...But the wait was all worth it when I held you in my arms for the first time. You were my baby boy, and I prayed for you for so long. And there you were, in my arms! It was a moment in my life that can never be matched.

Now flash forward three years. So much has changed. In this last year you have been challenged by having a little brother come right behind you. He takes your toys, he takes your mommies lap away, he cries a lot and needs to be fed. But you have handled this change so well. Of course you get upset but you are finally seeing that he is something special! He is your brother, pal for life. While you still feel like he is more trouble at times, you are beginning to share your toys with him. When he is sleeping you are anxious for him to wake up. Lately you have been asking him to come in your room, then you shut the door and say mommy is not allowed! Hmmmmm...

This last year we put you in soccer tots! You loved it! While you still would rather kick the ball the entire time, you are learning to listen to coach Lauren and play and share with the other kids. You make daddy and I so proud!

You love to play with your friends - Simon, Skyler, Linnea, Aubree, Boden, Thomas and Devan. And of course your beloved cousins - Tommy Joey, Rachel Mae, Ellie and Sam! You can't wait to see Stacy on my work days! You adore your nonnie and pompa and ask for maimo all the time. You love to wrestle and read books and play catch with daddy! You actually have a love/hate relationship with Murphy, but that is okay since I am pretty sure the feeling is mutual.

You are so passionate about the things that are so important to you - your cars, trains, balls! You like for things to be perfect, and you get very frustrated when they are not. But over time I know his will make you strive for the best in life, you won't settle for second best!

I love your passion, I love how you dance, I love how you still cuddle with me after naps! I love you Connor Alan, and I can't wait to see what more you have in store for us!