Our neighbor's Bruce and Katie planted an amazing garden last spring and it is growing like crazy! And lucky for us, we get to reap the benefits! They have been back east for the last two weeks and so we have been watering the garden for them. Each night while Don gets Kellen ready for bed, Connor and I head over to the Flaker's to do some watering. Connor loves it because there are two hoses. I turn on the water and he gets to water one side of the garden while I get to water the other. Tonight as we were finishing up I heard this while I was putting the hoses away. "Mm, MMMM, MMMMM. This is yummy. Staaaaberries. Mm. MMMMM. Okay! Okay I eat. Yummy" This little rant went on for quite a bit and when I was done putting the hoses away, this is what I found my little toddler doing......I can't tell you how many strawberries he plucked from the vine and ate, but he was a berry mess.
Then, on the way home we were walking down the street and he looked up at the night sky, gasped, let go of my hand and pointed to the cresent moon and exclaimed, "MOMMY! THE MOON IS BROKEN!!!!" I was just dying. So funny! He made me laugh so hard. I love this little boy and all these fun stages. I love seeing the world from his view. Puts things back into perspective!!
6 years ago
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