Sunday, July 4, 2010

Ashley and Anth's Wedding!

The big wedding! Ashley and Anthony's big day has come and gone, and it will go down in the books as a wonderous occaion (yes,I think I made that word up). Anthony is a childhood friend (we attended grade school through college together) and Frischy is my dear college friend. To see them happy in love and get married was amazing! The whole weekend was perfect. It was so much fun to see all my highchool and childhood friends from SLC in town and then all my college gals together too. And the ceremony was fabulous. Down at the Gerding Theater down in the Pearl. The perfect setting. Ashley looked stunning of course and Anthony was smitten! I wish I had my camera at the ceremony to capture the moment, but alas, I only have a few pre pictures from the bridal suite at the Nines. Despite the copious amouts of wine consumed by myself, some crazy dancing to Black Eyed Peas, a crazy bike taxi around Portland in the middle of the night, one spilled Cosmo at Departure, and then despite and early check in, having the Nines give our room away but not finding this out until 1am and way too many drinks later, this wedding was phenominal! It was well worth the NASTY hangover the next morning!

Tasha with baby Luci!

The ever calm and beautiful bride attempting to locate her wallet...

Maris, you are next girl!

Beautiful mama Onchi with her darling daughter Luci, jsut a few weeks old!

Jen and Mary, adorable!

What is the groom doing in the bridal suite before the wedding???