Saturday, June 19, 2010

Alexis Makenna Piacitelli's Baptism

We are so blessed to be the godparents of Lexi Piacitelli! We drove up and spent the weekend with Steve and Dawn so we could be there for her special day! We love this family! Everytime we head up north to hang out with them we have a great time. However, Don and I almost did not survive the trip up this time. We left Portland around 1230ish and did not make it to their house in Renton until around 730pm. Traffic. I don't think I have to explain this one. Although Don did compair it to what his vision of hell is. Stuck in traffic with two hungry kiddos with poopy diapers who have not napped and you have no more food because you did not expect to be in the car for 6 hours and ate everything already and the nearest exit is 2 miles away but you have only moved 10 yards in the last half hour kind of hell. But Steve and Dawn are the kind of friends who had dinner waiting (literally on the table) and we were greeted in the driveway with 2 stiff drinks. Stiff enough to erase some of the pain of the last few hours of the car ride. But we would have done it again just to be there for sweet Lexie on her day. And she is a blessed and beautiful little girl!

Steve is Connor's godfather.

Lexie Loo!
Lexie and Kellen chillin'. This picture cracks me up because that is such a Kellen blank look. I think all of his pictures have this same look. Really, he is a happy child, just camera shy.