My sweet friend Holly dropped off some fingerpaits to little man the other day. During the witching hour right before dinner Connor was being especially clingy and teary and angry all at once. Then I remebered the fingerpaints! Perfect solution to keep him occupied while I made dinner! However, while engrossed in chopping, I didn't realize until it was too late how creative my little artist was getting...
Since Kellen is now in the nursery full time (sob sob) I was cleaning out Don's and my bedroom of baby stuff, you know, trying to make our room our sanctuary once more. Anyway, underneath the co-sleeper I found the little hat that Kellen wore in the hospital. For a laugh I put it on Connor's head, not expecting it to fit his huge watermelon head, but low and behold! He thought he was so funny running around the house like that!
Silly goofy boy, I love your spirit!
Silly goofy boy, I love your spirit!
The picture with green hair made me laugh really hard. BTW this reminds me that I still have C's bday present... need to get that to you...
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