Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day part Two!

Christmas day at my parents was wonderful as always! Everyone was there except Jeannie and Tyler and thier kiddos. So sad. We missed them. Sarah made all the cousins these great jammie bottoms and we attempted a photo but as you can see, a hard thing to do with 6 kids ranging from 6 to 5 months. But soo cute! We opened even more presents, had some yummy beverages followed by a feast of both ham and turkey! Don's mom came over for dinner which was very nice! By 8pm Connor was barely hanging on so we reluctantly called it a day and headed home. It was a wonderful day and I was sad it was over already!

Connor checking out the tree with his Elmo gear.

Kellen telling Nonnie and Pompa all about his Christmas presents!

Matt, Sarah, Michael and Tom watching all the kiddos open presents.

Connor gives Nonnie his hand painted present for her.

Connor giving Pompa his hand painted gift.

Don helping Connor open a gift.

More presents!

Present opening madness!