After Christmas we headed down to Sunriver with the Mattechecks for some good old fashion central oregon snow loving New Years fun! Matt and Sarah have a time share and graciously took us along for the ride. We left after the big "snow event of 2009" and the roads were perfect. We got down to Sunriver minutes before the shut down 97 for snow and ice. Our first morning it snowed and snowed and snowed! We were cozy inside our little house. When the snow stopped, the Mattechecks went sledding and we built a snowman! Connor's first! I must say I was pretty proud of myself. Right after I snapped the picture below of Don, Connor and Kellen, Connor knocked him over! Figures.
The Mattechecks had a blast sledding with Tommy, Joey and even Rachel. When they all got back we had hot cocoa and put the kiddos down for naps. Then it was a mean game of pull for Sarah and I while the guys, well, not quite sure what they did but I am sure it involved TV, beer and football...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunriver Fun!!!
Posted by Amy at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The Lavendar Tea House, Sherwood!
Posted by Amy at 10:17 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Day part Two!
Christmas day at my parents was wonderful as always! Everyone was there except Jeannie and Tyler and thier kiddos. So sad. We missed them. Sarah made all the cousins these great jammie bottoms and we attempted a photo but as you can see, a hard thing to do with 6 kids ranging from 6 to 5 months. But soo cute! We opened even more presents, had some yummy beverages followed by a feast of both ham and turkey! Don's mom came over for dinner which was very nice! By 8pm Connor was barely hanging on so we reluctantly called it a day and headed home. It was a wonderful day and I was sad it was over already!
Posted by Amy at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Christmas Day Part One
I woke up before the boys on Christmas morning (a christmas miracle!). I went out into the living room to check out what Santa brought! When we were little (here I go down memory lane again...) my mom and dad would get up before us. Actually, we would be up but were not allowed to leave our rooms until my mom and day came and got us. They would be getting dressed, then making the coffee and my mom would be setting up coffee cake for us to munch on while opening gifts. Then when they were ready for the madness they would release us from our rooms and the mayhem began. So being the first one out to the kitchen this year, I felt like my mom. I got the batter made for the waffles, I made some drinks, organized a bit. It was great. Then when Connor started to stir Don went and got him while I posed with the camera to capture his face when he saw that Santa had come! He walked around the tree and said "wow"! It was so cute. He loved all his Elmo loot (slippers, backpack, computer game and book) but that paled in comparison to his reaction when he opened his first set of geotrax! "Choo Choo!" Kellen made out pretty well too with some teething toys, crawl toys and some killer onsies! I scored too with my Ugg boots and Don was pretty please with is Hines Ward jersey! It was so fun! After all the gifts and breakfast we showered and were off to meet the rest of my family for Christmas part two at my parents!Kellen checking out the tree before his big brother.
Posted by Amy at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve!
Christmas Eve was not what we really planned this year. In the past years, we have always spent Christmas Eve with Don's mom and his grandparents, but since his grandfather has been ill and now lives in a special home, we spend christmas eve day with his family instead. We were suppose to go the children's mass at 5pm but we had to skip out as I was sick and Kellen had pink eye. It was very strange to not go to Christmas Eve mass. It seemed this whole advent season we were getting ready for the real big celebration, but had to miss it. But to be honest I did feel pretty miserable and I would have felt worse to sicken the whole parish with the Corcoran germs. So we took it easy. After putting the boys to bed (pretty easy still since they still don't quite grasp the santa thing yet) we finished wrapping and went to work as little elves putting the loot under the tree. When I was really little, we would go to mass, then come home and get in our jammies. My mom and dad would make us hot chocolate using the special big black and white plaid mugs. Then we would hang our stockings and my mom would read us "Twas the night before Christmas". Then off to bed we would all go. Usually we would all sleep in the same room that night - at least us older three. We would be way to excited to sleep so we would stay up all night talking and waiting to hear Santa! I will never forget the year Sarah heard the reindeer on our roof! We were sooo scared! Awe the memories are so great. Christmas Eve was a very special night for Don's family too. I love starting our own traditions with the boys. We will have so much fun in the years to come.
Posted by Amy at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Ornament Exchange
For the last 9 years ( I think it has been that long) my best girlfriends from UP get together for our anual ornament exchange! In the past our ornament exchanges have always been at someone's house and involved lots of wine etc. However, our individual lives are getting so crazy! Ashley has since moved to be with the love of her life in SLC (my old stomping grounds) and we catch her when she is in town (lucky for us is quite often). She is getting married next summer! It will be a huge celebration! Mary D is a busy mom of two boys and has switched from day nursing at Emmanual to a night nurse in the ICU at Good Sam. Tasha is extremely busy mom of two girls, and literally working his tooshie off finishing up her last year of residency at OHSU in Rad Onc. She excepted a job at Salem Hospital and so lucky for me will be moving somewhat closer to me (hopefully Tualatin!). Tara is also a mom of two, a boy and girl and was just named one of the top three pediatricians in Oregon! Not only is she a dear friend, but my pediatrician as well. I always knew my kiddos were in good hands! Jen P is also a mom of two boys and works at Good Sam with Mary D! Jen has been at Good Sam for a really long time. Allison was married last June in a beautiful wedding in the wine country and while living in the Pearl, commutes out to Gresham for teaching. She is expecting her first this May!!!! Maris is also a teacher and wow, she and her boyfriend Doug are two social butterflys and are constantly traveling! So as you can see, our lives are so crazy making the ornament exchange so wondeful to catch up! This year we met at Merriwethers for brunch. It was perfect! I love my college girls!
Posted by Amy at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
Zoo Lights!
Friday Don came home from work early and we decided since it was a rare dry night that we should head out to Zoo Lights! I have to admit that I was sure the night would be marred with really bad traffic and long lines, but I was wonderfully surprised! We made it to the zoo in less than an hour (pretty darn good coming from Sherwood, during rush hour and holiday traffic). We made a bee line for the train and only had to wait maybe 10 minutes! When we got off the train, the line was a 45 minute wait! Anyways, our choo choo lovin' boy Connor was in complete awe of the train. He was speechless! He didn't want to sit on our laps, he wanted to stand and look out the window as if to take it all in! It was so cute to watch him! When we were done with the train, we walked around the zoo a little bit and Connor was just enamored with all the lights. Most of our pictures are actually of his cute face rather than the lights! When we got home that night, he was signing for the train so fast and ferociously I thought his hands would spark! He cried and cried when we told him we couldn't go back on the train. So sad. Good thing Santa is bringing this kiddo some new trains!
Posted by Amy at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sketchy Santa and Stinky McPoopypants.
This morning I had to venture out to the Costco in Wilsonville to pick up my christmas cards and I thought I would try out the Wilsonville Library story time. I heard a rumor that Santa was going to be there so off we went. It was a wet and disgusting morning but we ventured out anyway. I have never been to this library but it was so awesome! I love it. And the story time is so cool. The ladies that run it are so enthusiastic and wondeful with children. The stories are acted out as puppet shows! Randomly my friends Imaya and her daughter Linnea, and Jen and her son Derek and Jen's mom also came. It was so fun to run into them there. The kids loved it. They got to dance with jingle bells! However, when it came time to visit with Santa, all three kiddos wanted nothing to do with the jolly old man. Only Connor was brave enough to get just close enough to swipe the candy cane, then he was off! It was hilarious. My friend Jen snapped these photos of the kiddos with Santa and eating candy canes.
So after looking at this picture of Santa, I realized he was a bit sketchy... Hmm, reminds me of the Santa from a certain flick made back in the 80s... Sleigh Ride anyone???

So after the library I decided to head over to my parents house since I was sort of in their neck of the woods. Connor needed a nonnie and pompa fix and some cookies! So while my mom and I were visiting and I was holding Kellen on my lap, he let out a grunt and very audibly filled his drawers. No big deal, he does this about 8 times a day. My mom and I laughed. Kellen was laughing too but then he got very quiet and his face got red and bam! He very audibly filled his drawers again but this time I instantly felt warm in my lap. "Mom, Mom MOM!!!" I shouted, "I think he just pooped into my lap!" My mom jumped up to take him and as she was trying to extract him from me she looked down at my lap and said "Amy, it is everywhere!" Yes, that is just gross. And I had no change of clothes for my wee son (or myself for that matter). Luckily, because my mom is a miracle worker, she went flying up the stairs and came back with an outfit for Kellen. And it just so happens that this outfit was actually belonged to my little brother Thomas! And he would have worn it about the same time of the year because he was also born in July. I was floored that she still had it!!! So we put it on him and off we went home. Actually, to the store first and I was praying no one smelled the baby poop on me....

Posted by Amy at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
And the Tree is Trimmed
Here is our tree in all its glory! I really think this is our best tree yet! I know I say that every year, but it really looks perfect. Connor loves it! He says, "OOOOHHH" when we light it up. He loves all the ornaments too but he is pretty good about not touching them too much. Don and I started this tradition many years ago when we first got married to collect ornaments from each vacation and each place we visit. When we pull them out each year it is so fun to remember when we got them and relive our little vacations! I love it. Don and I were talking about our favorite ornaments on the tree this year. Don is partial to an Irish step dancer girl we picked up in Saulsilito back in May of 2007. I think deep down he really wants a daughter.... My favorite ornament this year is also from that same trip - two frogs! I don't know why I love it, I just think the frogs are cute! Connor also weighed in on his favorite ornament. It is.... DRUM ROLL PLEASE..... Eneman! Yes, I have the Fleet's enema mascot hanging on my tree! Back in the day of my research prior to nursing school, the Fleets rep sent out these ornaments for us all at Christmas. We laughed so hard when we opened them. But each year I put it up because it reminds me of all the wonderful people I worked with and learned from while doing women's health research studies!
Posted by Amy at 11:45 PM 2 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Rice Cereal Take One!
We had to start Kellen on rice cereal as he is one hungry and growing man! I was really struggling to keep up with his milk demands, so we have had to supplement. He can easlily take down 6-8 ounce bottles in a feeding and then turn around and do it again in a couple of hours. Yeah, this heffer can't make that much milk! So the lactation consultant along with our pediatrician suggested starting the old rice cereal. So far, no good! He is completely confused by the whole spoon feeding thing. Mostly the rice cereal just sits on the edge of his tongue for a few seconds, then he spits it out! Hilarious! Then he laughs at us, as if we are the silly ones!
Posted by Amy at 4:09 PM 0 comments
The Tree of a Thousand Lights!
The Allen Family and our family have been dear friends for as long as I can remember. I believe Patti and Roland met my parents through a marriage encounter weekend. Also, when you live in Utah and are Catholic, you pretty much stick to together. Because we have no family in Utah (all back in New York) we spent holidays with the Allens (also transplants from Ohio). Years and years ago our parents started a tradition of co-hosting a huge christmas party on Christmas eve. Everyone was invited and it was quite the social event! It was an open house style so people would either come before Christmas Eve Mass or after, depending on which service they went to. Whenever I was home for the holidays, I loved this party as it was a way to catch up with all my old friends! There was always the "young adult" section out on the back patio - near the beer and I believe there was a heater lamp some years too, because December in Utah is cold! Our parents always kept count of how many people attended the party and it was always just over 100! Anyways, the party was always at the Allens house who lived a few streets over from my parents. Patti's house was always decorated to the nines and the highlight of course, was her beautiful Christmas tree!!!! It was always stunning! Well one year in particular she had to document a story about all the mishaps and fiascos that went into creating the perfect Christmas tree. She titled the story "The Tree of a Thousand Lights". It is a hilarious story about getting all those lights on the tree, the tree stand breaking, leaking water through to the basement, etc. It is fabulous and when you read the story, you will never look at their Christmas tree the same! So anyway, with that being said, this year Don was fretting about the lights on our tree. The strands were different so there were different colors on top then on the bottom strand, he felt there was a section that needed more lights alltogether... So needless to say, we have yet to decorate our tree as my husband is trying to get the lights just right! I love him dearly for it - he wants it to be perfect for the boys. Watching him, hmm and haa over the light issue reminded me of the Allen family. Now we too have a "Tree of a Thousand Lights!"
Posted by Amy at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas Tree Hunting.
So we finally got our Christmas tree. Since as long as Don and I have been the dynamic duo that we are, we have hunted and bought our tree at Sleighbells of Sherwood. A tradition that we started with some dear friends of ours, the Piacitellis. It is right down the road from us. The whole atmosphere is Christmas. There is a band, Santa, a place to get hot cocoa and buy ornaments. Don is always in charge of picking out the tree. He has full say in what we bring home and that is just fine by me, since I grew up with a, GASP, artificial tree. I try to give my two cents, but I always get a reply like "The top is crooked" or "do you see how bare that tree is" So, I just follow him around the tree hill nodding and smiling. However, as the years go on, I think there will be two little boys who will have a lot to say about the tree we get! This year because we had the boys and it was raining, Connor, Kellen and I hunkered down with some hot cocoa and let Don do the hunting. And what a fine tree he found!!!
Posted by Amy at 8:52 PM 1 comments