Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Bubble Bath!

Don came home for lunch today and our sweet baby boy had a complete meltdown! We think he is in the process of getting some major teeth! He just cried and cried. We put him down with his toys and he laid in the middle of them and just sobbed and sobbed. Don and I were beside ourselves as Connor rarely cries to the point of no return...Nothing we did comforted him. It was heartbreaking. Then I had a fabulous idea (it actually may have been Don's idea, but since I am the one writing this blog, we will just say it was mine)! Let put him in the tub! Don ran to the bathroom and drew the bath water. I started to get him undressed. His cries got louder and louder. I was panicking. He clearly was stressed out. I thought what would I want if I was really stressed out? A cup of tea and a bubble bath. Connor clearly could not have tea, but what about a bubble bath!!!! It was genius I tell you! I dumped some rosemary and mint bubble bath in his water. The cries grew quieter. He peered in the tub, then looked back and Don and I with a sly smile. I put him in the tub. At first he just stared at the bubbles, then he swished his hands back and forth! Soon his little face broke out in a huge smile! Then laughter! Ahh, our little boy was back. My mom is right. There is nothing a good bath can't fix!!


Jessica Jordan said...

That is so sad! Teething bites (ha ha). Great idea for the bath though. Tyler loves bubble baths but can't stop eating the bubbles. We missed you last night!