Saturday, December 20, 2008

Graduation Day for Don!

Don has spent the last two years working on his MBA. He has been attending classes, doing projects, talks and papers all while juggling his busy work and travel schedule, being a loving and doting husband, and becoming a first time dad! Needless to say it was a very proud day for me (and Don too I suppose...)!I still get choked up thinking about all his hard work and dedication! I was so worried that the snow would force George Fox to cancel the hooding ceremony, but despite the blizzard conditions, the show went on! We chained up, bundled up and headed into Newberg for the very special day! Mom and Dad and Sarah make the treacherous trek as well as Chris McDonald, Don's good friend and boss! The highlight of the ceremony was Don's wonderful speech (he was elected to be the class speaker). Connor was very proud of his father as well. He clapped and cooed (and burped, loudly) as Don gave his speech and received his hood! Unfortunately, the snow did prevent our post ceremony celebration at Deshutes Brewery, but nevertheless, the day seemed quite perfect to me!


Jessica Jordan said...

Oh my gosh!!! I ALMOST went to the George Fox MBA hooding that Saturday! I was dressed and everything, but the snow was really coming down and I was nervous to go out all by myself with Tyler. It would have been fine with just me but I would have felt so bad if we got stuck at all since Matt was at work and we were all alone. My best friend Kelsey got her MBA too! Congrats to your hubby. I wish I would have gone and would have seen you there. I was worried Tyler would be the only peanut and we would have been disruptive, but he could have played with his playgroup bud! :)