Connor has come down with his first major illness. Okay, not so much a major illness, more of a mystery illness. I am sick with an icky head cold and when I came home from work early on Thursday I found my boy just not acting himself. I spent a my weekend holding him while he cried and giving him tylenol for his 102.8 fevers. I thought perhaps he was getting my cold, but no sign of the sniffles. Just crying and fevers, oh and major amounts of drool, and the appearence of two more teeth, bringing his total to drum roll..........6! With the whites of two more peaking through! The poor thing. What a mess. So we are having a sicky weekend, spent laying on the couch and cuddling. When Connor is not crying and I am not sneezing, it is actually not so bad! Even my darling husband took pity on us and bought us some soup and a magazine for my couch-ridden self!
6 years ago
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