Saturday was the season opener for the Portland Pilots girls soccer. Thanks to our great friends the Piacitellis, we had some great tickets. Pre-Connor Don and I would always get to the games on time, even early. We would walk through campus, stop in the Cove at the bookstore or get something to eat and drink, then mozy on over to the game. Post-Connor is a little different...
530 pm Sherwood - Connor is being fed by Amy while Don wrestles around with Murphy. 540pm - Connor is handed off to dad for burping and changing while Amy frantickly packs diaper bag, changes her outfit and attempts to do something with her hair. 550pm - Connor is handed back to Amy for last minute grooming. Oh no, needs another diaper change...Don runs to change his shoes and put on his Pilot hat and is still wrestling with Murphy...605 pm - Don to Amy - we need to leave in ten minutes at the latest.... Amy to Don - no problem... 620 - Amy, crap, I need to pack a bottle for Connor! I forgot. Don to Amy - does he have a change of clothes and sweatshirt packed? Amy to Don, Crap! No! Don then runs to grab the forgotten items while Amy makes bottle and loads Connor in car seat. 622 - Amy to Don - Are you going to put Murphy outside or what? 625 pm - Don - whose car are we taking? 630 pm Amy, crap,where is his binky and toy links????? Don to Amy, dang... almost forgot the tickets! 638pm - finally leaving Sherwood for a 700pm game! 0720 Arrive 20 minutes late to a packed house! Pilots already scored a goal. No room to sit in our seats so we make a beeline to the Pilot Tent, grab some beers and finally relax!
Connor sported his pilots onesie and was quite the hit in the pilot tent! We saw the Pilots score the second goal and I forgot that I was wearing Connor in the Bjorn and jumped up to cheer with the rest of the stadium! Connor started to cry loudly in fear, and all the cheering people in the tent soon turned their attention to Connor as their excited shouts turned to "ohhhhhh, poor little guy!" He better get use to the cheering as Don and I plan to attend several more games this season to support our Alma Mater - hopefully we will be on time....